The third week in January is National Healthy Weight Week, a time to focus on taking control of your health and making sure that you are at a healthy weight. As someone living with a chronic illness, this can be especially important. Being overweight or obese can not only make it more difficult to cope with your existing medical condition but also puts you at greater risk for other health problems. So, let’s look at why being at a healthy weight is so important and how to get there safely.

The Benefits of Maintaining a Healthy Weight
Getting There Safely
National Healthy Weight Week offers us an opportunity each year to pause and reflect upon our progress as we strive towards better health and wellbeing every single day. Each person has their own unique definition of what “health” looks like for them; take this week as an opportunity to assess where you are at right now and start planning out how you can get closer towards achieving your goals! Get creative in finding ways that bring joy into your daily routine while still helping reach those healthier lifestyle habits – because true health involves both physical AND emotional wellbeing! Here’s to wishing everyone a wonderful National Healthy Weight Week!
For more tips on healthy weight, nutrition, and physical activity: