What does “Eat the Rainbow” mean?
Eating the rainbow involves eating fruits and vegetables of different colors every day. Plants contain different pigments, or phytonutrients, which give them their color. Different-colored plants link to higher levels of specific nutrients and health benefits.
The more colors you eat, the healthier and more balanced your diet.
Let’s break down a Rainbow Diet:
- Red/pink: Rich in the carotenoid lycopene, a potent scavenger of gene-damaging free radicals, protects against prostate cancer and heart and lung disease.
- Found in: strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, tomatoes, cherries, apples, beets, watermelon, red grapes, red peppers, red onions
- Orange/yellow: Provide beta cryptothanxin, a source of Vitamin A, which supports intracellular communication and may help prevent heart disease.
- Found in: carrots, sweet potatoes, yellow peppers, oranges, bananas, pineapple, tangerines, mango, pumpkin, apricots, winter squash (butternut, acorn), peaches, cantaloupe, corn
- Green: These foods are rich in cancer-blocking chemicals like sulforaphane, isocyanate, and indoles, which inhibit the action of carcinogens (cancer-causing compounds).
- Found in: spinach, avocados, asparagus, artichokes, broccoli, alfalfa sprouts, kale, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kiwi fruit, collard greens, green tea, green herbs (mint, rosemary, sage, thyme, and basil)
- Blue/purple: Have antioxidants called anthocyanins believed to delay cellular aging and help the heart by blocking the formation of blood clots.
- Found in: blueberries, blackberries, elderberries, Concord grapes, raisins, eggplant, plums, figs, prunes, lavender, purple cabbage
- White/brown: The onion family contains allicin, which has anti-tumor properties. Other foods in this group contain antioxidant flavonoids like quercetin and kaempferol.
- Found in: onions, cauliflower, garlic, leeks, parsnips, daikon radish, mushrooms
How to do it?
The great thing about eating the rainbow is it’s easy to implement.
To eat the rainbow, try to incorporate two to three different-colored fruits or vegetables at every meal and at least one at every snack. While you don’t have to eat every color every day, try to get them into your diet a few times per week.
Contact Dr. Kina
Dr. Kina Peppers is a highly acclaimed board-certified OBGYN, dynamic speaker, and Women’s Healthy Lifestyle Coach. Through 1-on-1 and group coaching, I help women just like you, who want to make lifestyle changes, and learn and practice healthy habits to improve their quality of life. Together, we will embark on a lifestyle journey that includes changes in mindset, mindful eating, yoga, exercise, meditation, and affirmations. I am dedicated to helping women like you to achieve their best new normal. I’ve been where you are three times and I want other women to know they can do it as well.