3 Tips For How To Practice Mindfulness Daily

In a world that is always on the go, it can be hard to find time to slow down and be present. However, mindfulness is so important for our mental and emotional wellbeing. Being mindful means being aware of the present moment, without judgement. It sounds simple, but it can be hard to do in practice. If you’re looking to add more mindfulness into your daily life this post is for you!

What is Mindfulness?

 It’s a word that you may have heard before, but what is mindfulness exactly? Mindfulness is the practice of being completely present in the moment. It means paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations without judgement. Mindfulness can help you focus on what’s happening right now instead of letting your mind wander. When you’re mindful, you can be more patient and accepting of yourself and others. There are many ways to practice mindfulness, and it can be especially helpful for those who deal with anxiety or stress. If you’re interested in trying out mindfulness, here are a few tips to get started.

1. Set aside time each day for a mindfulness practice 

This can look however you want it to—it doesn’t have to be sitting in silence for an hour (although it could be!). Even just five minutes of deep breathing or journaling each day can make a big difference. The important thing is that you’re carving out time each day to be intentional about being present.

2. Make a conscious effort to pay attention to your thoughts and emotions
 This one can be tough, but it’s so worth it. Whenever you find yourself getting caught up in your thoughts, take a step back and try to observe them without judgement. What are you feeling in this moment? How can you best care for yourself in this moment. 
3. Be gentle with yourself 

 Mindfulness is a practice, and like with any practice, there will be good days and bad days. On the days when you struggle to be present or find yourself getting lost in your thoughts, cut yourself some slack. remind yourself that this is a journey, not a destination—and that every day is an opportunity to start fresh.

Read more on mindfulness in my book, Shattered But Not Broken:
A Doctor's Transformational Journey From Illness to Resilience

Shatterd But Not Broken- A Doctor's Transformational Journey From Illness to Resilence by Dr. Kina Peppers-01
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